Greetings, dear members ! Previously, friend codes have been given away, and if you thought that was all we had for you, you were wrong. Indeed, this time, we have accounts to give away ! As agreed with the mods and KuroNeko, we would like to give the majority of them away as the reward for different contests.
On 6th April, we intend to start three contests in the Blue Protocol Database Discord and open for each of them a channel. But what are these contest you will ask. Here follows the complete explanations of each of them and the rules to enter them.
First Contest : “Write a poem”
Write us why you should get the key, as simple as that ! You can only submit one poem, so use your words wisely, there is no turning back…
Second Contest : “BP Emojis FTW”
Create Blue Protocol related discord emojis, the best ones shall prevail ! This time, you can submit up to 3 emojis, but only the best one will be taken into account to determine the winners.
Third Contest : “Hey Staff”
There will be a channel in which only Admins/Mods will be able to write. Each of them will write up to 2 times per day in that channel and ask to react to the message with a specific reaction and the first person to react gets a point. The ladder will be continuously updated on this Google Doc so that you can keep track of your score and the one of your dear opponents.
Ladder :
Complementary Rules :
1.Violating any rules mentioned in #read-me-first on Blue Protocol Discord will lead to disqualification.
2.Votes from newly made discord accounts will not count.
The three contests will begin on 06.04 but only “Write a poem” and “BP Emojis FTW” will end on 12.04. The next days for these two contests will be for voting. “Hey Staff” contest will last the following two weeks, ending with the voting week of the other two on 19.04 ( 12 PM CET ).
The winners will be the top 3 of each contests, but why aim at the 3rd place when you can be the best ? So give everything you got !
For any questions related to the contests, feel free to ask help from Staff Members.